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I wondered how come nobody protested against the rules, I mean how does a newcomer survive in the present scheme of the entertainment business? “It is not easy but there are no alternatives because the producers make the rules and we actors need work we keep so we quiet and the injustice continues”.

The problem with show business is that everything works in a loop. The show goes on till the music stops playing and until then nobody stops to question.! The current content obsession on OTT channels is a glaring example of this! The gamble began during the pandemic and even though covid is more or less out of our lives, the channels are still generating bulk content and at the same pace.  My question is who is absorbing all these serials on all these channels?  They all have a new release every Friday.

The cinema halls have minimum three releases every week because the pandemic has put all schedules awry. It is going to be a bottle neck at the theatres for a long time to come, so what confuses me is why are the OTT channels not taking a break? I mean seriously, who is their audience and when are they absorbing kilos of content published every week? Not the working class for sure, nor the homemakers and certainly not the youth who have a lot to catch up for the lost time.  How much content can even critics like me either because how much content can even a critic like me absorb because she has only one pair of eyes and 24 hours a day!!