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In the 70s and the 80s the actors styled themselves.  Rekha was the first to learn her makeup and also to style herself.  She was the first among the celebrities to run on the beach and practice yoga.  She was the first fitness freak show business knew of so clearly my early grooming tips as a cub reporter came from the diva herself!

I remember her asking me to give up sugar and oil forever and stop using pillows to sleep. Pillows give you wrinkles, she said and my daily routine must include adequate exercise, adequate sleep, five almonds and a large fruit every single day. Gallons of water will guarantee healthy skin and hair. I am certain she follows all this and more and the results are apparent.

Yes, Rekha is ravishing but beauty is skin deep and behind the arresting face Rekha hides a golden heart that values affection and relationships.

The story of life lessons learnt is long, soon another feature on the subject, on another day perhaps?