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My friend was going through her old albums and forwarded some pictures of her brother’s wedding to me on the phone. Her caption read, ‘Once upon a time we were young and beautiful’. The posted pictures were clicked in 1987 when I was editor, Movie magazine. 

I jogged my memory to recall if I had attended the wedding directly from work or had gone home to change but I drew a blank.  I enlarged the picture on my phone to take a closer look at my sari and jewelry. It all looked very familiar but I have no idea where it has all disappeared now.  So much has multiplied in the wardrobe ever since that it is impossible to keep a track of all.

What moves me about these old pictures is how old friendship has stood the test of time. Six of us( three missing in the picture) passed out from college sometime in the 70s and at that time  none of us knew what life had in store for us. We traveled our journeys and  more than 50 years later continue to be a part of each other’s lives. 

Back to the pictures and our expressions, it is amazing how innocent and simple it all appears. I guess when you are young, you don’t need reasons to laugh. It is not like I don’t laugh anymore. I do, but the feeling is never the same. That twinkle is missing in my eyes. Do you feel the same when you see your old pictures?