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Some say I originated from South Asia and was identified as a musical instrument associated with the cowherds and the pastoral tradition.

I am linked to the legendary love story of Lord Krishna and Radha and also depicted in Buddhist paintings from around 100 CE.

The present generation knows me through skilled artistes who have mastered me and are custodians of music generated through me.

There are innumerable stories connected to my melody, innumerable stories of the effect it had on the Braj bhoomi, the villagers, the animals, birds, and the insects of Vrindavan.

It is said that I originated from the Sanskrit word bans – meaning bamboo and sur – meaning melody. While everyone has one family, I have two types of families: transverse and fipple.

The transverse or side-blown bamboo flute is from northern India. It is one of the world’s most ancient instruments, having existed in more or less in its current form for about 4,000 years.


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To be continued
