The new year has begun and some of our Bollywood celebrities like always are enjoying an extended holiday bringing in their birthdays. Vidya Balan born on 01 January has always escaped to an exotic location with her husband Siddharth Roy Kapoor. So, did Deepika Padukonne who ushered in the New Year with her family and friends at Alibaug followed by a quieter birthday on 06 January with close friends. For Bipasha Basu it was a special birthday on 07 January celebrated with her new born and for Farhan Akhtar his first with his new wife Shibani Dandekar Akhtar on 09 January. There have been times, during the making of Lakshya and Zindagi Na Milegi Dobarra, when Farhan Akhtar and Hrithik Roshan have celebrated their birthdays together but this only happens when they are shooting together.
Tomorrow is Hrithik’s birthday and the actor deserves a special blog so get ready for stories of courage associated with the superstar.
To be continued…