As an assistant helps each of us to get seated in our respective chairs marked with our names and another comes to brief us on the process to follow, a million thoughts jog in my over active brain. This is the room that has recorded national history from pre-independence to now; it has witnessed so many charismatic leaders and so many swearing in ceremonies of so many presidents. The bright and shining chandeliers, the peaceful Buddha idol and all the podiums each have so many stories to tell that will never be known.
After a near perfect a mock rehearsal comprising our entry, walk on the stage and exit into the adjoining room first for a group picture and then refreshments, we walk back the historic corridor admiring the murals on the walls and the ceilings. We are unhappy that we cannot take any pictures but there is no protesting security.
It is our third night at the hotel and we are more familiar with the room, so fall asleep easily.
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