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The year 2018-19 was a milestone in the history of our Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary and marked its bicentenary year.

As a tribute to our Mother Foundress, St. Claudine Thevenet, St. Agnes’ High School, ventured into uncharted territory and produced a full-length feature film — The Little Violet Blossoms in association with Small Box Films.

Priyanka Tanwar, the director of the movie is an ex- Agnesian and has to her credit short films like Little Big George, My Pot of Gold and While it Lasts. The Little Violet Blossoms as she puts it is her pay off to her Alma Mater.

What makes the movie special is the fact that it’s the first time ever that a school has independently produced a full-length feature film. Most of the on-screen and off-screen crew members are students, teachers, parents, and ex-students of the school and shot school premises in just 28 days and premiers today.

