Today is Shaban Azmi’s birthday and the actor has stuck her neck out to support a film that brought tears to her eyes. Evening Shadows was the opening film at the Lonavala International Film Festival 2018 held at Triose Plaza attracted a houseful audience comprising media, students and general public.
Post the screening a visibly emotional Shabana revealed that watching the film has made her into a better human being and she feels that the film should be presented as a family drama so that everybody watches it. “I hope that a big studio will embrace this film because it has all the potential of becoming a successful release at the box office”.
Azmi starred in the controversial Fire directed by Deepa Mehta, says that Evening Shadows is presented with sensitivity, honesty, and tenderness.
Director Sridhar Rangayan is over joyed that his film has made an impact on the actor and is all geared up for the film’s theatrical screening on Sept 13th at Cinestudio Theater in Connecticut, USA. “This is a first step in distribution for the film and we hope there will be many more successes”.
Before USA the team stops at Hong Kong for the film’s premiere at the Hong Kong Gay & Lesbian Film. The film has already won 3 awards and has been an Official Selection at 35 international film festivals.
The film is also scheduled to premiere at Chicago South Asian Film Festival supported by the local South Asian LGBTQ group Trikone.