Shraddha Ramlila has achieved the recognition of best Ramlila in Faridabad. The script owes its origin to the ancestors of the Shri Shraddha Ramlila Group, who migrated from what is now Pakistan to India and brought along with them the warmth and simplicity of Urdu couplets.
The USP of the timeless epic is to generate interest in the new generation crossing boundaries of religion and faith /3-6-9 PM/ Prithvi Theatre.
Baroque meets the Beatles is a concert featuring songs re-composed in the style of these baroque masters and features Members of Symphony Orchestra of India at Prithvi Theatre on 13 November and Girish Karnad features in Stage Talk on 15 November the last day of the festival.
The opening and the closing ceremony have always been special at the festival and this year will be no different. Shashi Kapoor is always present at the venue and so is Sanjana Kapoor who flies down from Delhi to be a part of the family.
The sad thing about the best of things is that it has to come to an end, Prithvi Festival ends in a few days and now we have to wait a long year to celebrate again.