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Same venue, same time but different film and different guests. Today’s screening is Slave, it
is the story of a couple making a film and how things go wrong and the director, unable to
cope with the backlash, decides to end his life. There is a parallel track of a father-son
relationship haunted by demons but all’s well that ends well and when the two tracks collide
it is time to heave a sigh of relief. Slave is mythical, mystical and the narrative refers to a
magical pill that resolves all problems.  
Legendary filmmaker Ramesh Sippy is the chief guest for the evening and says he is curious
about the magical pills and wants to know what it entails. He was curious to meet the team of
the film but Ziyad Almri who was expected to be at the festival could not make it at the last
moment. Dinner was served in the twinkling lawns surrounded by trees and   Bollywood
directors who attended the festival showed interest in collaborating with the Saudi films.